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Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

is this years holiday supposed to be fun or sad ?

is this years holiday supposed to be fun or sad ?

damn, i have spent about 5 out of 14 days of my holiday and there's more than 3 sad news that have come to me.i can't really express it with writings, but i hope you can feel the same way as i do. uumm.... yeah, i know i haven't posted a lot and i'm really off schedule. but yeah, i'll tell you the whole story in this post.

1. my best friend died cause of a vehicle accident
damn ! i have lost one of my best friends, we used to hang out a lot. we met at our extra class at my school. we used to go to theater together. he liked pewdiepies videos as much as i do and we have the same taste in music and games, that's why we really bond well with each other.and... i download a game called scribblenauts the morning before he died, i said to my self "yes, i'm gonna show him and he will be so... amazed" but when noon strikes, a memorial letter came by my phone, and it said that dewa died this morning.i was sad, mad,surprised, shoked all mixed together. but hey, time didn't let him to stick around in this world, and... god has a plan of his own. good bye my friend, hope you're happy at where ever you are 
2. my uncle's wife mother died cause of heart attack or something (i don't really know)
i can't really tell much about this, cause i'm not really close to her nor her family, but she's one of my family, so.... i have to feel sorry for them too...
but the interesting part of this journey is that after i go to dewa's memorial, i have to rushed to her memorial "they died at the same day" MIND BLOWN !
well... hope you're happy at where ever you are
3. my uncle WILL have a heart surgery on friday
well.... this is the last sad story of the week "i hope" XD
my uncle, have a really high amount of blood sugar on his body, and he has obesity too. his weight is 170 "damn that's heavy" and now he is being take cared at the nearest hospital from his house.
hope that the surgery goes well and nothing bad can ocured you and your family.

well... hope you guys are feeling the same thing as i did and.... have a nice weekend. uuummm... can you guys send some prayers or some love to them "3 sad news above" every single prayers that you send them will make a change for their lives ;,)